Hi Wilde Flowers,
Welcome to The Wilde Side (I’ve always wanted to say that!).
The Wilde Side is a substack-only audio channel for my paid subbies (except this first episode because we want to call our people closer!) - somewhere quiet that does not want to bombard you with other things you should listen to, do, be or have. Somewhere for you to stow away, separate to the barage of apps that are pushing and prompting and probing you for more, more, MORE. Separate to the noise of social media which loves to prey on the deficiency it needs you to believe you have.
I want this to be raw, unedited, and simple - nothin’ fancy here.
Today is the day The Wilde Side podcast makes her way to the world - happy birthday, TWS!
In this episode, I catch you up on who I am, where I’ve been and where I am now (don’t worry - I don’t talk about that for long), and then, as per usual, I wax lyrical about why we feel collectively dissatisfied, disconnected and bored with our lives and share my thoughts on:
The muse within
Your creative coding
Interference-free decision making
Identity tropes
Living a truly original and creative life
Patterns that need to be broken
The deficiency model of social media that we buy into
Creating a masterpiece of your own life
As always, I get a little spicy in some sections so please don’t blast this in front of the kids.
Thank you so much for being here,
Brit x
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